Dogs often struggle with yeast infections, which can affect various parts of their bodies. Thankfully, with the right knowledge on how to manage this problem, you can relieve your pet of the discomfort it causes. This guide is designed to provide thorough guidance on how to treat and heal this condition.
Specifically, you’ll learn everything about what causes dogs yeast infection, how to detect the symptoms, instructions on what to do next, and when to visit the vet. Without further ado, here’s everything you must know about yeast infection in dogs.
How Does A Dog Get Yeast Infection?
Yeast is a spore-like type of fungi, with the scientific name Malassezia pachydermatis. [1] These organisms live on the dog’s skin and inside their gut without causing harm, most of the time. However, some triggers, such as the dog having a compromised immune system or one that’s suppressed with medication, can lead to yeast overgrowth.
During allergy season, dogs taking steroids or antibiotics are especially culpable to yeast infections. Allergens such as mold, dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, cleaning products, and food high in sugar and carbs can also lead to yeast infections.
Even though antibiotics do not cause yeast, their long-term use diminishes the normal flora (bacteria) meant to help in keeping the fungus under control.
Dogs living in a hot temperature location, accompanied by humid weather, suffer from bacterial infection, have a pre-existing skin disease like yeast dermatitis, skin folds, or are under medication such as antibiotics or corticosteroids have a higher probability of getting a yeast infection.
Also, some dog breeds like Basset Hound, poodles, German Shepherd, Cocker Spaniel, Labrador Retrievers, and Golden Retrievers are prone to getting the inflammatory skin condition, due to their genetics or body traits, for example folds in the skin and floppy ears.

8 Most Common Signs That Your Dog Has A Yeast Infection
1. Itching And Redness
The first symptom one usually notices when looking at yeast infection in dogs is them persistently licking, scratching, biting, and chewing at their inflamed skin when affected.
The animal may also shake its head, scoot along the floor, or rub against the wall and piece of furniture to find relief from their discomfort as they try to cope with the itchiness brought about by a yeast infection.
Dog’s ears are most prone to yeast infection, and other commonly affected areas are their feet, skin folds, toes, paw pads, and between the digits of their paws.
Therefore, pay attention to change in skin’s color from normal to pink or redness in regions mentioned, as this is also a sign of yeast infection in dogs. The afflicted areas may, in addition, have swelling and be warm to the touch.
2. Hot Spots
As the mild yeast infection in dogs is neglected, the fungus multiplies, leading to even more skin damage. The pup is then left to chew its skin infections until the affected spot becomes a wound and starts bleeding. Skin’s redness or itching at sores become worse over time, as they create the perfect conditions for yeast infections on dogs to thrive.
3. Hair Loss
Loss of hair occurs after the dog gnaws on the affected area due to itchiness. The coat may also become greasy, and the fur could fall off due to constant licking of the infected area as the dog tries to find relief. Hair loss can also occur in the ears due to inflammation around the affected organ.
4. Musty Odor
Sometimes, dog owners assume their pets are meant to discharge some stinky dog odor smell when they are actually suffering from yeast infections for dogs.
Those familiar with dog yeast skin infection, like vets, are better off at detecting it through the scent emanating from an affected dog. The dog will remain with a distinct smell until the disease is dealt with accordingly.

5. Crusty and Flaky Skin
Scaly dandruff, crusty, flaky, or oily skin are symptoms associated with dog skin yeast infection. At first, the dog’s coat becomes excessively oily or scaly, which is the exact opposite of the following symptoms.
Yeast infection on dog’s skin makes the animal quite uncomfortable. As a result, the dog starts itching and scratching the skin, forming scabs, which is a dry protective crust that forms over the wounds during the healing process.
6. Food Sensitivities
If your pooch usually suffers from a yeast infection, then you might need to avoid commercial diets that have grains, sugars, cheap fillers, and corn. Go for natural meat sources and organs like liver, until the dog gets better.
Don’t forget to add vegetables in their food, which provide the benefits of fiber and a spoon of fresh yogurt, which works wonders to help fight off fungal invaders.
7. Hyper Pigmentation
A common sign of yeast infection, later on, is the darkening of the dog’s skin color and thickening of its texture. The skin may also become thick, leathery, and gray or black, especially in the legs and groin area.
Hyperpigmentation is not an illness on its own: instead, it’s a reaction to certain conditions, like a fungal or bacterial infection. Therefore, if you don’t deal with the primary cause correctly, then there’s a huge chance of relapse when dealing with hyperpigmentation.
8. Ear Infections
Dogs with floppy ears commonly get an ear infection, usually caused by bacteria or fungus. Chronic ear infections are extremely uncomfortable for dogs and can affect their balance and hearing.
When dealing with ear problems, treatment would be to give your dog the right veterinary medicine to treat the specific type of infection – yeast or bacteria. And, the sooner you recognize infection in the ears, the easier your chances of dealing with the problem.

How Are Yeast Infections Diagnosed?
Veterinarians can run a few tests on your dog’s skin to detect yeast infection. The vet easily and painlessly takes a sample of the dog’s hair plucks, skin scrapes, smears, and strains for diagnosis.
The samples are then analyzed under a microscope to look for infectious agents like bacteria, dog skin fungus, or viruses, which may be causing the symptoms. If yeast infections in dogs are suspected to be inside the ear, the vet will use an otoscope to look inside the ear canal.
Something like an allergy can also look quite similar to yeast infection, and that’s the reason why you should consult your veterinarian. Accordingly, the vet will give you the right medicines, prognosis, and recommendations for health care, depending on the dog’s age and any underlying conditions.

When Should You Bring Your Dog To The Vet For Yeast Infection?
A trip to the veterinarian may be the best course of action given that you try home remedies for yeast infection, and nothing seems to work, and also if the disease is around the genitals. At home, you can apply topical anti-fungal shampoo to the site of infection.
If the dog’s yeast infection does not respond to topical treatments, oral medications like itraconazole, fluconazole, and ketoconazole, may be prescribed by the vet. Such prescription drugs are usually given to the dog for at least a month, even if no symptoms show.
However, these remedies can cause side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, and even increase skin issues. At times, the vet may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce the swelling.
After applying the medicated shampoo, a tip would be to use apple cider vinegar with “mother” because it contains a probiotic containing Lactobacillus. This element helps return the skin’s normal flora after yeast infection.
To apply, smear apple cider vinegar mix, with an equal amount of water over the dog’s body. However, avoid places with scratches on the body when applying the vinegar.
You can also use alternatives like coconut oil by rubbing it in on the afflicted zones. Coconut oil has fatty acids and antioxidants like vitamin E, which protect the skin from harm by free radicals.
Fatty acids help the skin heal from scratches secondary to yeast infection. To calm your dog down if they are itching uncontrollably, you can give them CBD treats to help them relax. With less itching, there’s a decrease in inflammation and skin irritation.

Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I bathe my dog with yeast infection?
If your dog has a yeast infection, you need to remove the wax and excessive yeasts every 3-5 days, for 2-12 weeks, or as long as directed by your veterinarian. A medicated shampoo with elements like benzoyl peroxide is great for removing waxy material built up on the skin. There’s no vaccine for yeast infection, but regular cleaning lowers the risk of the dog getting it.
How do you prevent yeast infection?
There are several steps you can take to prevent the likelihood of yeast infections in dogs. For one, make sure your dog is thoroughly dry after getting out of the water after a swim or bath and clean and trim excess hair.
You’ll have to change things up if the afflicted dog receives the same diet and medical care that doesn’t seem to work. Consider grain-free dog food and don’t give them table food.
Since yeast loves sugar, avoid feeding your pet dog foods and treats with refined carbohydrates when they are ailing. Also, don’t feed them foods with potatoes, corn, wheat, rice, and honey, which might cause allergies. During extreme heat and humidity, try as much as you can to keep your pup indoors. Also, regularly check and clean the dog’s ears.
How do I clean my dog’s infected ear?
For a dog suffering from yeast infection in the ear canal, use an ear cleaning solution designed to lower pH levels along with a rinse specified to treat the yeast. The recommended formula helps remove debris and buildup that could lead to yeast infection as well as prevent recurring health problems.
Avoid products like ointments and ear drops that might alter the natural environment of the ear. Because yeast thrives in moist environments, ensure your dog’s ear is kept dry, and water or debris isn’t trapped inside the ear canals.
Gently clean the ear with soft tissue, but don’t use q tips in the ear canal. The easiest recourse is to use yeast infection cream inside the ear as directed. Serious yeast infection inside the ears can take up to six weeks to heal. Oral medication or surgery might be required depending on the situation.
With this information, you now know have the ability to deal with health issues associated with a yeast infection. In most cases, shampoos and regular bathing will do the job of clearing up the problematic yeasts issue.
Still, it’s important to check in with the vet in case you notice any of the common symptoms associated with yeast infection in dogs, since they may also indicate a more serious condition.
Even though humans, pets, and other animals cannot contract a yeast infection from an affected dog, there’s still a likelihood of secondary infections and other diseases.