
Home Remedy For Dog Yeast Infection

Kathy is a licensed veterinary surgeon and writer in Miami. With over 20 years of experience in deal with pets and small animal, she hopes to share her knowledge on what she learned throughout her life to all animal lover. On her free time, she likes to attend Yoga and Meditation classes.
Kathy is a licensed veterinary surgeon and writer in Miami. With over 20 years of experience in deal with pets and small animal, she hopes to share her knowledge on what she learned throughout her life to all animal lover. On her free time, she likes to attend Yoga and Meditation classes.

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Your animal companion is prone to fungal yeast infections in different parts of their body. These infections may cause swelling within your dog’s skin folds, impacting areas like the paws, ears, or genital region.

The infection flourishes in moisture-laden parts of the body. In such an environment, the yeast grows and reproduces faster until it becomes too much for your dog’s body. Your dog is more vulnerable to yeast infections if he or she has been sick recently and the immune system is weak.

During allergy season and when your dog is on antibiotics or steroids, the rates of yeast infections are higher. Antibiotics reduce the usual bacterial flora in the body, which provides a defensive mechanism, thereby allowing the fungus to multiply at higher speeds. Steroids also lower your dog’s immunity, making him or her susceptible to fungus infections.

You must monitor your dog carefully to determine whether he or she has yeast issues. In this guide, you’ll get information on the signs of yeast infection, how you can treat the disease at home, and frequently asked queries on yeast infections. Read on to find out more.

What Are Some Signs My Dog Has A Yeast Infection?

If your dog smells like budding yeast and is scratching his or her ears or licking paws, there is a likelihood he or she has a yeast infection. A type of yeast called Malassezia pachydermatis[1] is what causes the smell.

When the dog gets a mild infection, the yeast produces proteases, which are enzymes that break down proteins. This damages your dog’s skin, making even more yeast thrive. As the infection advances, they become more dejected. Your dog might start chewing his or her feet, rubbing on the carpet, or sometimes scratching until their skin bleeds.

Yeast is a common organism that lives on the skin and can multiply uncontrollably if conditions are favorable. The most common areas that offer yeast a conducive environment to thrive are the underarms, inside the ear canal, and between the toes.

When your dog has yeast overgrowth, it may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • The dog may be smelly
  • Your dog will itch and scratch. This itchy skin may become worse as the yeast problem spreads
  • The dog’s toenails may have a brown discoloration
  • Hair loss in places where there is a skin fold, like underarms
  • The skin condition is scaly, with dandruff and oily hair
  • Ear infections
treat dogs Yeast infection dog remedy

3 Steps To Treat Dog Yeast Infection At Home

You can apply home remedies to deal with yeast infections for dogs. Use these simple steps for home remedy dog yeast infection.

1. Fix The Itch

Before starting the treatment, ensure your dog is comfortable first by fixing the itch. If your dog’s infection is mild, you might be tempted to medicate only the infected area, for instance, giving him or her a footbath if the paws are the ones infected.

Consider bathing the dog’s entire body with shampoo, vinegar, and coconut oil, as instructed below. There is a high likelihood that the yeast has already spread to other parts of the dog’s body. You can apply regular white vinegar or apple cider vinegar in treating yeast infections in dogs. Vinegar is acidic, kills yeast, and fights fungal infections.

The best way to apply vinegar is to dilute it with an equal amount of water and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray your dog with the vinegar mix. Don’t rinse the dog, allow it to dry on their own.

You should not apply the undiluted vinegar to your dog’s ear drum as its acidic. Instead, use a natural ear product found in your local pet shop to treat any infections in your dog’s ears. However, don’t tend to the ears unless they are really messed up by the dog skin yeast infection.

feed dog with recommended food or use hydrogen peroxide

2. Change Your Dog’s Diet

Yeast flourishes in particular environments, most of which are aggravated by unhealthy dog food. If you feed your dog with diets loaded with processed starches and carbohydrates, cereals, grains, and their byproducts, it will cause yeast to multiply faster.

You should also avoid foods containing potatoes and sweet potatoes as they are full of starch that enhances yeast health issues.

Yeast thrives in sugar, and carbohydrates are broken down into sugars. Higher sugar levels increase allergic reaction and make the ear canals to be hot spots for organism growth and multiplication.

Pet owners can spend a lot of their money on vet medicine to treat a dog’s yeast infection, but if they don’t address the root problem first, it will be in vain.

Yeast infections are also signs that your dog’s immune system is weak. You can use apple cider vinegar to boost your dog’s immunity. You should also give your dog a natural raw diet containing natural meat sources from your area.

Your dog’s diet should be mainly meat. You can occasionally include meat from organs like the liver and kidneys. Mix some veggies fresh from the grocery store on the menu to act as a source of the fiber your canine needs.

You can use some coconut oil in your dog’s diet. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E and K and fatty acids. The antioxidants protect your canine from free radicals that cause wrinkles. They also get rid of fungal microorganisms helping the animal to avoid infection.

The fatty acid components in the coconut oil enhance cell growth on the dog’s skin, making it easy for him or her to recover from the infection swiftly.

Heavy metals also cause your dog to have health problems. They can get into your dog’s system through vaccinations, fish, pesticides, and pet foods. The presence of heavy metals in the dog’s system acts as a proper environment for multiplication.

The metals kill competing bacterial, leaving them to thrive without competition. To get rid of heavy metals in your dog’s system, avoid vaccinations if possible, don’t feed him with poor quality fish oil, and use mainly organic food in his diet.

3. Destroy The Yeast

After removing yeast from your dog’s diet, it is time to kill the one already in the system. Add recommended foods and supplements to the dog’s diet to help battle these infections. Since yeast is fungal, it would be best to use as many antifungal foods as your dogs can tolerate.

The first antifungal component is caprylic acid, which is present in goat milk, palm oil, and coconut oil. Studies have revealed that caprylic acid can destroy candida cell membranes. It is a Medium Chain Triglyceride that has excellent health benefits.

Garlic is also an excellent antifungal with research revealing that it can reduce the populations of candida. The perfect way to use it is raw; chop it and let it be for 10 minutes, then add it to your dog’s food.

Olive leaf contains an antifungal component called oleuropein. Studies have revealed that the olive leaf can prevent and manage yeast. Another confirmed antifungal is the Pau D’Arco found in the South American rain forests. It contains naphthoquinones that destroy fungi.

It contains lapachol, which is useful in dog yeast infection treatment. Dog owners can try this three-step dog treatment for yeast infection.

Dog’s skin not good - Bring to vet if needed

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you feed a dog with a yeast infection?

Feed infected dogs with food that has fewer carbs. The food should be mainly meaty. Add some vegetables in the ratio to provide the much-needed fiber. If you are using commercial feeds, make sure the dog food recipes contain these ingredients. Raw feeding of bones is encouraged because when you cook them, they become brittle and might injure your pet.

Does coconut oil kill yeast in dogs?

Yes. Coconut oil contains several acids key among them caprylic acid, which studies have indicated can cure fungal infections in people and dogs. It also contains antioxidants like vitamin E, K, and fatty acids that protect your pet’s skin and help the dog’s skin heal after treating skin infections and other skin problems.

What do vets prescribe for yeast infections?

The vets will prescribe an antifungal drug like ketoconazole, itraconazole, and fluconazole as a treatment for dog yeast infection. Your canine will take the medications for a whole month, and some have side effects like diarrhea, skin problem, and vomiting. The vet will also prescribe a probiotic if the animal’s gut is the source of the disease.


You pets nutrition is the first line of defense before you consult a doctor. Just like humans, the best way to help your animals like dogs and cats is to give them with recommended meals.

In case your canine has itching and irritation, swelling, and sores on the stomach, you can take the remedial solutions mentioned in this guide to help your friend recover.

However, if you cannot handle the issue on your own, it would be best to seek the help of a veterinarian if the symptoms persist. Studies reveal that a more natural approach offers better results and also dramatically reduces the potential of recurring.

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