Is your dog showing symptoms of worm infestation? You shouldn’t worry too much; it’s quite common for pets to experience a worm infection at some point in their life. Worms can infect dogs of any age, so it’s important for pet owners to identify the early indicators of worms in their dogs and begin immediate treatment.
When you plan on getting rid of your dog’s worms, you might want to know what the after-effects of the deworming treatment will be. You might get worried when you start seeing worms in puppies poop after deworming and wonder when it will stop.
To answer this and more, we have compiled all the relevant information on one page. You will get to know all about deworming, along with its benefits and side effects, as well as some frequently asked questions.
How Long Will My Puppy Poop Worms After Deworming?
The short answer to this question is anywhere between 2 days to a week. The long answer is, well, it depends on how bad of an infestation it is. If the outbreak is recent and not major, your dog will likely poop worms out in its stool from around 12 hours after taking the medication.
Yet, if the worm problem is a major one, you may need to repeat the puppy deworming process. With that, it might take up to 2 to 3 weeks to get rid of all the worms.
Process of Deworming
The first thing to do is to identify the type of worm or worms that have made your dog’s body their home. Usually, a stool test will help determine this.
A vet will look at your dog’s stool sample for live worms or worm eggs. In case they suspect an infestation of heartworms, a blood test might be done.
Once the vet figures out which type of worms are in your dog’s poop, they will either prescribe an oral medication or a deworming shot.
What to Expect After Deworming?
After taking the medication, as soon as your dog poops, you will be able to observe pieces of or whole dead worms in their stool. Your puppy may also have diarrhea that can last for up to 3 days. This shouldn’t be a cause for worry as it is fairly common.
Also, for the first few days after deworming, your dog might experience a lack of appetite and be a little lethargic. If these effects last for longer than 2 weeks, you should see a vet.
Signs that Deworming Hasn’t Worked
If you can still see worms in dog poop after deworming has been over for many weeks, it is probable that the treatment did not work. In severe cases, your dog might even throw up worms.
If your puppy still has worms after deworming, you should consider giving them another dose of the deworming medication.
What Are the Benefits of Deworming a Dog?
Deworming is important to get rid of worms from your dog’s body. While your adult dog must be dewormed once every six months, in the case of young pups, the recommended deworming schedule is at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. This process has the following benefits:
Reduces Health Problems
Worms affect your dog’s appetite and fitness. In minor cases, your dog will suffer from weight loss as a result. Additionally, other health issues can also occur, depending on the type of worm your dog carries. Roundworms cause colic (stomach pain) while hookworms can cause coughing and diarrhea.
With regular deworming, your dog will not suffer from such health problems.
Prevents Transmission of Parasites to Humans
If your pup or dog has a worm infestation, their poop will have worm eggs. These can get ingested by children and also get transmitted via the coat of the dog when it sits or lies on any surface. In turn, they can cause diarrhea and other health issues in kids as well [1].
When you deworm your puppy, you make sure that it does not transfer disease-causing parasites to attack the other members of your family.
What Are the Side Effects of Deworming?
While deworming your dog is an essential part of its healthcare, the process does carry a risk of some side effects. Here are the most common ones:
When administering deworming medication to your pup, it is fair to expect diarrhea as a consequence. A small degree of it serves the important purpose of flushing parasites out of their body. Pooping out worms after deworming can last for a few days. But if it doesn’t stop beyond that time, you should consult your vet regarding a solution.
Bloody Poop
If while observing your dog’s poop you notice red-colored streaks in it, it is a sign of blood-mixed stool. This is quite normal, especially if the amount of blood is not a lot, and goes away on its own in a day or two.
However, if your dog continues to poop bloody feces for longer than that, you should visit a vet as soon as possible.
Mood Swings
Due to diarrhea and other symptoms after taking a deworming medication, your puppy might seem disinterested or lethargic in general. You will notice this more if it isn’t as excited about food anymore. At times, it may also become irritable and experience changes in its mood.
As pet owners, you should know that this is temporary, and as soon as the treatment wears off and the worms are all dead or flushed out, your pup will return to its usual bouncy and chirpy self.
How to Keep Your Puppy Healthy After Being Dewormed?
You can help make the deworming process go easier for your dog by following these simple tips:
- Allow it to rest for as long as required.
- Give it a comfortable dog bed to lie in.
- Stick to a healthy diet plan for your dog which includes nutritious food as well as plenty of water.
- To make sure that your puppy does not get worms again, place trash cans out of their reach. Also, keep the surroundings clean to prevent flies and other insects.
- Keep any animal carcasses far away from your dog’s reach and also far away from your property as they draw in fleas, houseflies, and parasites.
- Fleas are an intermediate host of tapeworms. To get rid of them, apply an anti-flea medication to your pet’s body regularly.
- Give a monthly heartworm treatment to your dog in order to prevent these dangerous parasites from growing inside their body.
- Thoroughly wash your hands after you pick up their waste or clear out dog poop so that you don’t transfer worms to yourself, family members, or other pets in the house.
- Make regular visits to the vet and get your dog checked for worm infestations and the progress of the deworming treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is deworming important for dogs?
Deworming treatments are necessary for both adult dogs as well as puppies as young as two weeks old as they are very susceptible to worms.
These parasites can affect your dog’s health in several ways depending on the type of worms and some of these can even be fatal if overlooked. For instance, heartworms result in lung diseases, heart diseases, and organ damage, ultimately leading to death in dogs.
How do puppies get worms?
A puppy can get worms through one of several ways:
- Your puppy can pick up worms or their eggs while playing around in soil or grass infested with these parasites.
- They might swallow fleas that can, in turn, lead to tapeworm infection.
- Dogs can ingest worms or their larvae stuck to their coats while grooming themselves.
- If your dog loves hunting or scavenging prey, it can pick up worms from animals that are already infected.
- Roundworms can be transmitted through milk from an infected mother to her puppies when she is nursing.
- Mosquito bites transfer heartworms to dogs.
- A puppy can also get worms by eating food infected with these parasites.
Can tapeworms kill a dog?
Unless in rare circumstances, no, tapeworms will not kill your dog. In dogs that are just a few months old, however, the parasites can cause some serious health problems like anemia and intestinal blockages. Your puppy may also suffer from stunted growth.
Thus, it is vital to see a vet as soon as you spot these signs and make sure that your puppy gets dewormed as recommended.
For the well-being of your dog, worms are a bane and need to be tackled as soon as possible. To get rid of them and even to prevent them altogether, it is pertinent to get your pet dewormed every once in a while.
Granted, your puppy’s poop might look like a blood-ridden mess for a day or two, and you may also get grossed out by the sight of live or dead worms in it. But these are all signs that the medication is doing its job.
After reading all the information shared in this post, we hope the next time your dog gets dewormed, you will not ask – how long will my puppy poop worms after deworming?