
Dog Training

A lot of us deeply cherish our canine friends. Yet, the path isn’t consistently easy, especially when your dog hasn’t been trained to act appropriately or to steer clear of certain behaviors.

As the saying goes, you can still teach an old dog new tricks provided that you have a couple of proven canine training strategies in your arsenal. Whether you are working on basic and obedience commands or you need to know how to potty train your puppy, our collection of dog training articles provides practical and positive tips & tricks on training your pooch to help you set the stage in making your training sessions a success.

We also believe that when dog owners understand their dog’s natural behaviors, they develop a happier relationship between the two. Therefore, we included an accumulation of scholarly works for you to discern how dogs innately behave and guide you throughout your training process.

How To Clean Dog Vomit From Carpet Feature Image

How To Clean Dog Vomit From Carpet

Kathy R. ConnerJan 27, 202510 min read

Addressing the unpleasant duty of cleaning up vomit is universally seen as a highly disagreeable chore. Yet, what stands as the…

Dogs Constipated - How To Get Dog To Poop Faster Feature Image

How To Make A Dog Poop Quickly?

Kathy R. ConnerJan 25, 202518 min read

It’s completely normal for dogs to hesitate before going to the bathroom. Indeed, there is a scientific reason behind dogs taking…

How To Make A Dog Throw Up Feature Image

How To Make A Dog Throw Up

Kathy R. ConnerJan 25, 202513 min read

Inducing vomiting in a dog is a method employed to expel toxic substances from its system. Dogs across all breeds tend…

Why Does A Dog Lick Human Feets Feature Image

Why Do Dogs Lick Feet?

Kathy R. ConnerJan 25, 20258 min read

Dogs go wild for a tasty treat, munching on whatever crosses their path, no pickiness involved. Still, they eagerly await the…

Dogs Stick Tongue Out Feature Image

Why Do Dogs Stick Their Tongue Out

Ashley MarltonJan 24, 20257 min read

Every fluffy friend has the ability to show incredibly cute facial expressions. As a result, you might find yourself with an…

Ensuring Continuous Care_ The Critical Role of Relief Veterinarians in Your Dog's Health Journey

Ensuring Continuous Care: The Critical Role of Relief Veterinarians in Your Dog’s Health Journey

Ashley MarltonJan 23, 202510 min read

Looking for reliable relief veterinarians to support your clinic? Wondering how to keep your operations smooth despite personnel shortages? The key…

Dog Lick Air - Feature Image

Why Is Your Dog Licking Air?

Kathy R. ConnerJan 23, 202511 min read

Dogs often use body language to communicate. Actions that might seem inconsequential to some should not be quickly dismissed. There is…

Why Does My Dog Put His Paw On Me Feature Image

Why Does My Dog Put His Paw On Me

Patrick WilsonJan 23, 202510 min read

Have you ever wondered why your dog places its paw on you? Canines use their paws to communicate. Over thousands of…