Dogs often display actions such as incessant biting, scratching, and licking, typically signaling a condition referred to as pruritus[1]. This challenge is something many dogs encounter at some point during their lifetime. Understanding why dogs engage in these behaviors is crucial for their owners.
Dogs tend to scratch for several reasons. Some of the main reasons for excessive scratching in dogs include seasonal allergies, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, external parasite infestations, yeast, and bacterial infections, among other causes.
Want to know more about itchiness and what you can do to relieve your four-legged canine companion? Read on as we break down 6 reasons for scratching in dogs while also answering some frequently asked questions.
6 Reasons For Scratching In Dogs
1. Food Allergies
Some dogs have sensitive stomachs that are highly susceptible to allergic reactions. You’ll find that the majority of breeds are allergic to grains such as corn and wheat, while others might have an allergic reaction after consuming chicken, dairy, or beef.
Dog owners are often advised to check the primary ingredients when purchasing dog food to avoid triggering food allergies. As a result, it is advisable to change your pup’s diet gradually to allow enough time to notice potential allergens.
2. Seasonal Allergies
Skin allergies in dogs are often caused by environmental allergens such as mold, pollen, and dust. The good thing about seasonal allergies is that they occur at specific times of the year, meaning you can prepare adequately for these nature-induced allergies. Spring and summer seasons, when flowers and plants boom, tend to lead to increased cases of seasonal allergies in pooches.
Therefore, if you notice your dog excessively scratching himself at specific times during the year, he might be dealing with a seasonal allergy. Try brushing and bathing him regularly. You might also want to minimize his exposure to an environment with allergens such as weeds, dust, molds, grasses, and flowers.
3. Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease caused by an allergic reaction, either when a dog inhales or consumes allergens. The condition causes your canine companion to scratch bite, lick, and rub in specific areas, including the tail. Commonly affected body parts are usually the feet, face, armpits, front legs, and ears, and uncontrolled dermatitis can lead to hair loss.
Your dog’s overall hygiene plays a crucial role in determining your dog’s health. You shouldn’t expose your dog to environments infested with insects and parasites.
It’s crucial to be on the lookout for microscopic insects like Sarcoptes and Demodex, as these parasites will burrow through your dog’s itchy skin, consequently leading to bacterial infections. Mange can lead to skin lesions in the groin, ear margins, armpits, and areas with minimal hair.
4. External Parasite Infestations
Your dog’s overall hygiene plays a crucial role in determining his or her health. You shouldn’t expose your canine companion to environments infested with insects and parasites that can lead to tick bites and mange.
Did you know that a single flea can lead to Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) and leave your pup itchy? You’ll also need to check out for ticks since these parasites hunt for blood and won’t stop until they lead to skin itching in dogs.
5. Yeast Infections
Among the common causes of dog scratching are fungi and bacteria found on the dog’s skin. The infections tend to occur when the immune system is suppressed through skin infections and skin diseases caused by insect bites. These conditions will lead to persistent skin itching and require immediate medication.
Increased oil production levels on the dog’s skin can also lead to yeast infection. Moreover, dogs receiving treatment through immunosuppressive drugs like steroids might be victims of chronic infections. Breeds that are likely to develop infections include Basset Hound, Cocker Spaniel, Australian Terrier, Chihuahua, Poodle, Shetland sheepdog, Dashung, and Maltese Terrier.
To diagnose this condition, you’ll need to take your pet to a veterinarian for an examination. The vet might conduct a skin biopsy, skin scraping, or impression smear procedure to determine the cause of the infection.
6. Bacterial Infections
Dogs are highly prone to bacterial infections, especially when they interact with infected animals outdoors. There is a big likelihood that your dog will fall ill when he plays in an area with high infestation levels.
A bacterial infection will lead to excessive biting of the fur and skin, which consequently means the coat will be damaged. According to research conducted, the main factors leading to bacterial infection are pests such as mites, fleas, and ticks as well as interaction with already infected animals.
Consult a veterinarian when symptoms of bacterial infections, such as scratching and biting, persist. Your dog could use several medications to help reduce the itch.
Tips For Relieving Dog’s Itch
In case you’re wondering how to stop a dog from scratching, you’ll be glad to learn that there are several steps you can take to prevent itchy skin. Below are some of the ways you can address the dog’s itching problem.
Check On Your Dog’s Diet
When your dog is itchy after changing your diet, you have to visit the vet for some allergy testing to determine the cause of the itchy skin. Dog foods containing additives, chemical preservatives, and wheat are some of the common causes of itching and can lead to a lot of discomfort for your pet. And since different breeds have varying needs in terms of diet, choosing the right dog food is integral to your pup’s well-being.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar
This home remedy can help in itch management at home. Combine 50% water and 50% vinegar and shake the mixture in a bottle. Proceed to spray it in the affected area. The sprays will do your dog much good as they help to reduce the itchiness and other underlying issues in the affected region.
Use Hypoallergenic Oils And Shampoos
A green tea or chamomile soak can help soothe your stressed dog. Filling a bathtub with warm water and dropping 3-5 tea bags will be enough to spot-treat your pet’s skin. Aloe Vera and coconut oil can also come in handy in preventing itchiness. You can also bathe your dog with hypoallergenic or oatmeal shampoo if you want to provide instant soothing and relieve his pain.
Treat Infections Immediately
As a dog owner, your role is to act fast when you notice your dog is excessively scratching a particular area, such as the head (behind the ears). Infections can make scratching worse, which is why you’ll need to prevent pest- or bacteria-related infections. Always ensure you get the right dietary for yeast problems or bacterial infections to prevent them from spreading.
Avoid Allergens
Naturally, dogs tend to develop seasonal allergies during the warmer spring and summer months. As a result, it is advisable to manage your dog’s movements during such seasons. You can also avoid diet-related allergies by switching to fish-based foods that contain sweet potatoes. Dogs need nutrients like fish oil and essential fatty acids, which promote skin health, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. For instance, once you provide them with salmon-based dog food, you’ll realize a significant reduction in cases of food allergy.
When Should You Bring Your Dog To The Vet For Excessive Scratching?
Luckily, most of the common causes of dog itching are food allergies and seasonal allergies. With the right supplements and nutrition, you can reduce the impact of allergens such as trees, pollens, mold, and grass.
You should get concerned when signs of discomfort become extreme. That is, when your pet suffers from anxiety, stress, decreased appetite, develops black spots due to injury, and has a hard time going to bed.
In addition to behavior, feeding, and sleeping problems, ensure you consult vets when your dog scratches himself excessively as a way of soothing himself. Remember, these scratches can damage the skin and lead to serious skin conditions, so it’s best to take your pet to a vet for several tests.
Depending on the examination and diagnosis, your veterinarian will make relevant suggestions on how to cure pruritus. Ensure that you inquire about the side effects associated with the treatment plan provided for skin diseases.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you give a dog Benadryl to stop itching?
Yes, you can give a dog Benadryl to stop itching due to the drug’s antihistamine properties. Although not yet FDA-approved for use on pets, it is considered to be safe for dogs, which explains its popularity when treating swelling and itching. The drug neutralizes the effect of allergy triggers and environmental, seasonal, and food allergies. These antihistamines also help to treat itchiness caused by bug bites.
How much Benadryl should I give my dog for itching?
The amount of Benadryl you give to a dog for itching is usually one mg per pound of his or her body weight. As is with most antihistamines, you should administer the treatment two to three times a given day. To be on the safe side, be sure to inquire with your veterinarian before administering the treatment on your own.
How can you tell if a dog is itching too much?
You can tell that your dog is itching too much if he scratches, licks, and bites his skin repeatedly to the extent of discomfort. It’s not only dogs with itchy skin that’ll excessively scratch themselves, but yeast infections in addition to cases of interaction with flea-infested dogs can also lead to increased scratching, licking, and even biting of affected areas. When your dog can’t help but itch himself all the time, then something must be wrong.
Although itching is a natural response in dogs, you should be concerned when your dog excessively scratches and bites himself. Dogs that itch too much tend to suffer from underlying conditions such as skin infections, and you should visit the vet for a treatment plan to address the situation.
Now that we have answered the all-important question ‘Why do dogs scratch?’ The ball is in your court to take adequate measures to soothe your pet and prevent the condition from worsening.