Can dogs safely eat watermelon? It’s a popular treat at many outdoor events. Yet, the issue at hand is if it’s an appropriate choice for our furry friends. While humans relish the juicy, sweet taste of watermelon, valid concerns arise about its safety for dogs and the wisdom of letting them indulge, given the potential risks to their health. Such worries are indeed justified.
This delicious fruit is loaded with nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for your pooch’s health, and it’s made of 92 percent water. So it can actually be a healthy dog treat if it’s fed to your dog correctly.
However, too much of a good thing can be harmful, and the seeds and rinds of watermelons can cause serious health issues. It’s essential to know how to serve it to your pet safely so he won’t get sick.
Read on to know everything you need about feeding watermelon to dogs and to answer your question “is watermelon okay for dogs?”
Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs
Is watermelon good for dogs? The short answer is yes. In fact, the fleshy pinkfruit of a watermelon is packed with healthy nutrients that are as beneficial for humans as they are for dogs.
So if you’re cautious about giving it to your pooch, watermelon can have some great health benefits for him.
One of the best aspects of watermelon is that it’s mostly made of more than 90% water content. That makes it a great treat to help your dog stay cool and hydrated during a hot day.
Thanks to Lycopene which gives watermelon its red color, the super-fruit is also rich in antioxidants that have been linked to reducing inflammation.
There are two major vitamins that your pooch will get from consuming this fruit:
- Vitamin A – a fat-soluble nutrient used by dogs to support bone growth, vision, and reproduction. Dogs with vitamin A deficiency usually suffer from night blindness, stunted growth, and reproductive problems.
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – consumed in over 100 chemical reactions in a dog’s body to reduce tooth decay and to form amino acids that support healthy coats.
Besides calcium, potassium, and Vitamin C, watermelons are a great source of fiber too. Fiber helps dogs slowly absorb the fruit’s high sugar content into their bloodstream.
What to Avoid When Feeding Your Dog Watermelons
Can a dog have watermelon? Yes, especially that we’ve already covered the good stuff about watermelon. But when is watermelon bad for dogs?
The flesh of the watermelon is a safe and healthy treat for your pet, but the other parts of this fruit–seeds and rind–aren’t okay for dogs to eat. If your dog swallows watermelon seeds, the pips can cause an intestinal blockage.
This will not only be painful for your pooch but it could also become serious enough to require surgery for treatment.
While a seed or two is not likely to cause health problems for large breeds, it doesn’t take many seeds to cause a blockage for smaller dogs.
It’s also not a good idea to give your dog the rind–the hard green outer skin of watermelons–as ingesting it can lead to GI tract problems that trigger diarrhea or vomiting.
Although the watermelon fruit is a nutritious treat in small amounts, eating too much of it could give your pet an upset belly, due to its high fiber content.
How to Feed Your Dog Watermelons
Now that we’ve learned the answers to the common questions: Can dogs have watermelon? And is watermelon ok for dogs?–it’s time to know how to serve this nutritious fruit safely.
In its simplest form, you can feed your dog watermelon by cutting it up into small cubes, being careful to remove the rind and the seeds. This makes a healthy snack or a special reward for good behavior. If you’d want to get a bit more creative, you can make a frozen watermelon.
Just blend the watermelon flesh and pour it into ice cube trays for a cool snack or mix them with a few, safe and simple ingredients to make pet-friendly watermelon sorbet or dehydrated watermelon jerky.
Keep in mind to only give your dog seedless watermelon and it should be real watermelon. Artificially flavored watermelon treats or products might contain harmful ingredients, high levels of sugars, or artificial sweeteners (like xylitol) that are toxic to your dog [1].
As is the case with anything concerning pets, it’s always a good idea to talk with your vet before introducing new meals into your dog’s diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Do Dogs Like Watermelon So Much?
Aside from its mouthwatering features, dogs like watermelon so much because due to the nutrients and benefits they gain from it. Since watermelon is made of over 90 percent water, the sweet fruit is great for preventing heatstroke and keeping pets hydrated.
It’s also bursting with vitamins A, B6, and C, which can keep eyes and teeth in good shape, make your dog’s coat shinier, and of course, boost your pup’s immune system.
Is Watermelon Safe For Dogs To Eat?
Just like most safe human foods to share with dogs, watermelon should be given moderately. This means watermelon or any kind of treats should make up no more than 10 percent of a pet’s daily calorie consumption.
Whatever the size of the dog, follow this rule when knowing how much watermelon you should serve. Taking note that one cup of diced watermelon contains about 45.6 calories.
How Much Watermelon Can A Dog Eat?
Just like most safe human foods to share with dogs, watermelon should be given moderately. This means watermelon or any kind of treats should make up no more than 10 percent of a pet’s daily calorie consumption.
Whatever the size of the dog, follow this rule when knowing how much watermelon you should serve. Taking note that one cup of diced watermelon contains about 45.6 calories.
What Other Fruits Can I Feed My Dog?
Aside from watermelon, there are other healthy fruits you can feed your dog. These include apples, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, mango, oranges, peaches, pears, and strawberries.
As you know, dogs are omnivores, meaning they can eat both meat and plant-based foods. And one way to enrich a dog’s diet is by adding a combination of meat protein and extra fruits and vegetables on top of its kibble.
While there is a wide variety of fruits (and veggies) that are safe for dogs to eat, some can be toxic to like avocado. If you’re unsure if your pet should be eating something out of his regular diet, make sure to consult your vet who will be happy to answer any questions about your dog’s health, pet care, and nutrition.
To conclude our topic about, ‘Can dogs eat watermelon?’ Yes, the flesh of a watermelon is a safe and tasty treat for dogs but don’t let them ingest the rind and the seeds. You should still practice caution when feeding them.
Follow the 10% rule to determine how much to feed in one serving: aim for 64 grams for larger dogs and 50 grams for smaller dogs. And before offering any human food for dogs, make sure to ask your veterinarian.
So the next time you want to share a few bites of seedless watermelon with your pet, you can rest easy. As long as it’s served properly and in moderation, watermelon, as a healthy snack for dogs, is hard to beat.