Have you ever pondered if mangoes are safe for dogs to consume? Beneath their hard exterior lies a fruit that is not only tasty but also beneficial for humans, boasting a core that is sweet and succulent.
Some mangoes can be as small as a human’s palm, but bigger mangoes can weigh up to five pounds. Mangoes are jam-packed full of vitamins and minerals. But then again, can dogs eat mango, too?
Here we learn if it’s harmful or helpful to share this notable tasty treat with your canine friend. The topic, can dogs eat mango, might get us two various answers. All in all, experts claim that mangoes are safe for dogs to eat. However, some specialists might not recommend feeding it to your canine friend. Let’s learn more about mango for dogs below.
Is It Safe for Dogs to Eat Mangoes?
Before we answer the question, can dogs eat mango? Let us first try to know: is mango ok for dogs?
A dog’s diet does not need many carbohydrates but should only consist of quality fats and protein. Then again, domesticated canines’ digestive systems have evolved to break down some fruits and vegetables, unlike wolves.
Mango is a nutritious and delicious fruit that you may be tempted to feed to your pet. But throwing a dog too much of something can be a bad idea. While some ‘people’ food can be beneficial or safe for dogs in small amounts, some can be unsafe and dangerous.
So, can dogs have mango? Yes, you can give a dog mango but only when prepared correctly and served in moderation. In fact, mangoes do contain a broad range of beneficial nutrients.
However, they also contain a high level of sugar. One mango has a whopping 45 grams of sugar. Too much sugar or ‘people food’ in a dog’s diet can lead to health problems.
That said, is mango safe for dogs? Again, yes. Mango is safe for your pet in appropriate quantities. Mango for dogs is not a regular addition to their diet and only as an occasional tasty treat or snack. Moreover, be sure to remove the pit and peel the mango first.
Benefits of Mangoes for Dogs
Are mangoes ok for dogs? We’ve found out that dogs can eat mango but is mango good for dogs? Not only is mango safe for dogs to eat, but they can also derive health benefits from eating it.
One of the most important health benefits of mango for dogs is the high concentration of antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent cancer and degenerative diseases, including allergies while boosting the immune system.
Mangoes also have masses of vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, folate, and vitamins A, B6, C, and K. Vitamin A, for instance, can help promote a dog’s bone, immune health, and vision.
The vitamin C in this fruit can be useful to aging or sickly dogs while vitamin B6 helps prevent anemia and is often found in their dog food. Mangos provide potassium, which pets need for proper heart, kidney, and nerve function.
In addition, they contain vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting.
A study from 2011 explained that mango seed kernel contains a wealth of nutritional benefits including high levels of oil, carbohydrates, and antioxidants. Because of this, it was suggested that mango seed could be used as an alternative source of vitamin C, E, and A.
Unfortunately, the study references mangos for humans; not mango for dogs. Nevertheless, even though, mangos can provide nutrients for your pet, when it comes to mango for dogs, moderation is key.
What to Avoid When Feeding Your Dog Mangoes
So, we’ve tackled the questions, can dogs eat mango? and are mangos good for dogs? Now it’s time to know when are mangos bad for dogs? Before you share a whole mango as a tasty snack for your pet, here are some precautions all dog owners should be aware of.
First and foremost, don’t let your dog have access to the pit of the mango. The pit or mango seed can be a choking hazard and is enough of a concern to keep it away.
Plus, it contains a trace amount of cyanide and amygdalin, which can be distressing for your pet’s digestion and overall well-being [1].
In addition to potential digestive issues, mangos are also fibrous. When a pup is given on a too-consistent basis or in large doses, this excess of fiber can cause an upset belly.
That’s why small doses in moderation are recommended. What’s more too much mango consumption can be a concern for your dog’s dental decay as well–since mangoes have sugars that are absent in regular dog food.
So no mango pit, but what about the skin? Can dogs eat the skin of the mango? The straight answer is no. It is not advised to let dogs eat mango skin as it can be hard for them to digest too. Besides, the skin is sometimes known to trigger allergic reactions in both humans and dogs.
Finally, the most obvious one, never let your dog eat moldy mangos. In the case of your pet, if you notice changes in your dog’s diet or behavior, consult your vet who can advise accordingly.
How to Feed Your Dog Mangoes
Now that we’ve figured out the concerns about mango: Can dogs eat mangoes? Is mango bad for dogs? and Can dogs have mangos? Let’s discuss how to properly prepare the mango for your dog.
As mentioned above, before feeding your dog mango, peel the fruit and remove the pit. Mango pits can cause a choking hazard and could develop an intestinal blockage if ingested. It also contains cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs.
The most simple and straightaway procedure is to peel the mango, slice it, and get rid of the pit. You can cut or dice the mango depending on the size of your pooch to provide them a manageable portion.
For larger breeds, more substantial pieces are fine–as the flesh of this fruit is so soft for a dog to chew. For smaller pups, however, smaller portions are recommended to prevent choking hazards.
The bonus part is you can give these pieces to your dog right away or freeze them for a delicious treat during warmer months that lasts longer.
You could also dehydrate mango slices. This idea is known as a snack on-the-go. They are easy to store and transport in case of traveling and going outdoors with your dog.
Plus, mangoes are a great idea for training your dog, too! With the appropriate doses, caveats, and minimal cuts, you can train your dog using this tasty treat as positive reinforcement.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Mangoes Good For dogs?
Yes, mangoes are good for dogs. In fact, mangos contain essential vitamins such as A, B6, C, and E, which makes them a nutritious treat for your dog. Just be careful not to give your dog too much mango to avoid digestive issues.
How Many Mangoes Can A Dog Eat?
A single mango comprises 45 grams of sugar. Therefore, moderation is your best bet. This means one or two slices a few times a week. If you stick to this amount, then it will be safe to use mango as a treat for your dog.
Just remember, when treating your dog any type of food other than his regular food, experts recommend the 90/10 rule: Any snacks, no matter how healthy, should only contain 10 percent of your pet’s daily caloric consumption.
The other 90 percent, on the other hand, should come from his dog food. Before feeding your dog any new people food, always check with your veterinarian. Doing so maintains safe, healthy amounts and ensures your dog doesn’t eat anything toxic.
What Fruits Are Bad For Dogs?
While tons of fruit can play a part in your dog’s healthy diet, others are an absolute no-go. Some fruits that are bad for dogs include citrus fruit (lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruit) which contains a toxic compound called Psoralen; raisins, grapes, and currants that have been linked to kidney failure; the dried variety of fruit that has a high concentration of sugar; and hedgerow berries (holly, rowan, juniper, and elderberries) are all harmful and toxic to dogs.
Can Mangoes Kill Dogs?
Yes, mangoes can kill dogs if not prepared properly. Mango seeds contain cyanide which is extremely toxic to dogs and can cause a choking hazard. If a dog accidentally ingested this pit–and left untreated–it could be fatal for your dog.
There you have it! We have covered everything you need to know about dogs and mango. Can dogs eat mango? Definitely yes as long as the dog won’t have any access to the pit.
Not only does that keep your pooch safe from any toxins a mango seed may or may not have but it also keeps him safe from the danger of the mango pit as a whole: The problems it could cause if your dog gobbles it up.
If you feed your dog some mango fruits, make sure you serve it in moderation and it’s peeled, and again, without the pit. Don’t forget to consult your vet before deciding on feeding any human food to your pooch.