
Why Your Dog is Peeing Blood and What You Should Do

Hematuria is defined as the presence of blood in the urine, indicating bleeding within the urinary tract or kidneys. To better understand this, let’s begin with a brief overview of the functions of the urinary system.

According to Kidney Urology, the renal system is composed of ureters, kidneys, urethra, and bladder. As in humans, dogs have two kidneys. These kidneys produce urine which travels down to the ureters to the bladder which stores the urine. It is then expelled through the urethra when an animal urinates.

Due to the close association between the genital and urinary systems, blood in the urine of a pet can also develop from the vagina and uterus of the female dog and the prostate and penis of the male. 

Knowing its possible causes is helpful for you to understand what kind of help your pet may need.

What Does It Mean When A Dog Pees Blood?

If you notice blood clots in your dog’s urine or it appears very dark yellow, the first thing to do is to see your vet as soon as possible. Even when there has been a recent injury (as this may lead to vasculitis or inflammation of blood vessels), and you believe it is the cause of the presence of blood in your dog’s urine, be adamant about having a checkup as it could stem from a different issue.

There is also the possibility of infection from bacteria or life-threatening conditions. One of which, can be hematuria [1]. This is often due to the infection or inflammation in the renal system which could include the lower urinary tract or upper urinary tract. Here are some of the clinical signs your dog is suffering from hematuria.

  • The discolored urine/color of dog urine changes towards a pinkish shade or red discoloration of the dog’s pee
  • Specks of blood in your house
  • Your dog displays frequent urination
  • He is causing too many accidents in the house
  • Your dog is wet all the time at areas where urine is leaking
  • He squats to pee many times in one round
  • He is licking the groin area frequently
  • When the condition is severe, your dog may experience painful urination and cry restlessly.
  • You may also notice weight loss in your dog
Urine May Contain Blood

Understand that hematuria can in other cases be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea alongside other symptoms. The signs presented by your dog can vary depending on the root cause of the illness.

Idiopathic renal hematuria, for instance, is blood in dog urine that develops from the kidneys with no specific cause. Most often idiopathic renal hemorrhage is hereditary, also referred to as familial hematuria, but this is typically considered a benign condition and the most common cause for bloody urine of young dogs. Nevertheless, dog care is very important for this time of emergency situation.

Loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, and depression are all symptoms of kidney cancer, according to American Kennel Club.

Prostatic diseases are common in male dogs. This is due to the prostate’s close relation with the lower urinary tract in male dogs. Older dogs are commonly prone to prostatic cancer. If your pooch has a prostatic disease, he is likely to display one or more clinical signs of labored urination, difficulty passing bowel movements and decreased urine stream. Other signs like lethargy [2] could mean that your dog has been poisoned or is suffering from a prostate infection.

Female dogs, on the contrary, experience blood in urine during their heat cycle. Some experience heavy vaginal bleeding during estrus or heat cycle while others have small amounts of blood in the urine.

Other causes of blood in the urine could include trauma, bladder cancer, anatomical malfunctions, and chemotherapy.

Why Has My Dog Urinated Blood? – Causes  

Blood is usually a sign of impaired health. Anything that causes bruising or inflammation of the urinary tract can cause blood in your dog’s urine. This is also a sign of UTI. Various factors such as age, breed, or gender of dogs determine the cause of the conditions.

School of veterinary medicine

If your dog is old and you notice your dog peeing outside and has peed specks of blood in dog urine, it could mean he has kidney disease, or even cancer in the kidneys or the urinary tract. This is regardless of dog breeds. If you notice blood in the urine take your dog to the vet’s office. Some of the common causes of blood in dog urine include:

Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections

The lower urinary tract includes the urethra and the bladder and the most common cause for bleeding here is infection. This kind of urinary tract infection, specifically lower urinary tract infection, is one of the most common causes of why there’s blood in your dog’s urine. Females are at greater risk for urinary tract infections that lead to blood in the urine than are males In female dogs, the location of her urethra exposes her to these bacteria.

In this condition, your dog may have difficulty urinating or take longer than usual to pee. If it is constantly licking the genitals and the odor of its pee is strong, it could be a sign of urinary tract infection or kidney cancer.

Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in dogs. This form of cancer is invasive and presents itself in small tumors around the bladder which may become stones over time.

The initial diagnostics include blood work, urine culture, and urinalysis. Although the condition can be painful, the disease can be treated using a round of antibiotics.

Other causes for blood in dog urine that can affect both the lower and upper urinary tract include a ruptured bladder, which can happen due to coagulopathy (a scientific word that essentially means clotting problems); if they’re hit by a car or attacked by another dog (can cause trauma to the bladder wall); vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels; bladder cancer; and renal telangiectasia or spontaneous widening of blood vessels.

X Rays to see Problem

Urinary Stones

Another reason why your dog pee blood is urinary stones. Subsequent bleeding and cystitis or inflammation of the bladder wall can occur due to uroliths or bladder stones. Bladder stones can be present in kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters. The impact that bladder stones have on dogs is dependent on the affected area, the number, and size. Some can be managed with medication or a diet change, while others need surgery or be removed through a minimally invasive procedure. Bladder stones are fairly common in canines.


Tumors often indicate the possibility of cancer. However, some are benign, meaning they do not spread in the way cancer would. The problem is when they obstruct vital organs such as the kidney or the urinary bladder.

This could result in the dysfunction or failure of the organ obstructed. Blood in the dog’s urine occurs when the primary organs are stressed or damaged.

Bacterial Infection in Kidneys or Bladder

Bacteria can affect the kidney and the bladder of your dog when it enters the body through the genital or rectal areas. One of the most telling sign is frequent squatting. When in this position, your dog is struggling to urinate but is not able because of too much pain. You can also look into kidney diets to help with the issue.

When the pee is either cloudy or bloody, it could signal a kidney or bladder infection. Some of the infections that could be involved include:

  • Pyelonephritis: When bacteria gets into the kidneys of a dog, an infection in the upper urinary tract occurred and is called pyelonephritis. This kidney infection in dogs mostly occurs as a result of the blockage of kidney stones, which can appear on your dog’s x-ray. It can also result from UTIs. Obstruction is particularly very dangerous.
  • Sepsis: Blood infection can have a direct effect on the bladder control or the kidney of dogs. It occurs when pee that has not decomposed is forced into the bloodstream. Blood in urine accompanied by back pain and fever is indicative of sepsis.


Pesticides and other toxic substances can be common causes of bloody stool or blood in the dog urine with mucus or pee. If you notice your dog has bloody stools or there is blood in the urine accompanied with vomiting, this is a health emergency and it can be fatal.

Most common type of urinary infection

Diagnosing Blood in Dog Urine

Diagnosing the reason behind your dog’s hematuria can be complex, as what you can see from the extensive list of potential causes of blood in a dog’s urine, but most veterinarians are well equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to identify the underlying condition and come up with a treatment plan.

When dogs vomit bright red blood and is excreting blood, it is definitely a health concern there, and you should seek help from the emergency vet care. Your vet will need a thorough history of your dog’s health, as well as a detailed account of your dog’s conditions, from possibilities of a recent injury, ingestion of a new diet or toxic substances, or any supplements.

They will then conduct a full body physical examination to look for potential abnormalities. Once the physical examination is complete, there are many various diagnostic tests that your veterinarian may conduct, depending on the results of the physical examination and any other symptoms your pet may present with.

A complete blood count will also be carried out to investigate abnormal red and white blood count. A chemical blood profile, on the other hand, will be used to detect potassium levels, calcium, nitrogenous waste products, phosphorus, and liver enzymes. A urine culture may be recommended as well to check if bacteria might be causing blood in the urine of your dog.

The platelet levels will also be examined. A urinalysis is a diagnostic tool that cannot be skipped. The pH of your dog will also be tested to check the glucose levels, the red blood cell counts, full hemoglobin, chemistry panel, and the mineral content during the dogs’ blood test. Sometimes the blood present on the dog’s pee can be on a microscopic level and the urine may appear normal.

Your veterinarian may detect a tumor and bladder or kidney stones, they may request for an X-ray or ultrasound to rule them out. Later on, a biopsy may be requested to find out if the tumor is malignant or benign. An examination of a male dog’s ejaculate sample will help determine the prostatic disease. Blood in dog urine is never a good problem to have so as pet parents it’s important to take care of this soon as you can.

Treatment For When Your Dog is Throwing up or Pooping Blood

There are a few general tips and tricks to prevent bloody urine, but the most basic advice is to simply monitor your pet closely. Remedies vary depending on the underlying cause of blood in the urine, vomit,  or poo of your dog.

For your dog to be stabilized, intravenous fluids may be used if dehydration is detected. You can also place a litter box or something for them to go in. 

A prescription diet may also be what you need. Bladder and kidney stones may be treated through diet low in phosphorus, protein, and magnesium, as well as encourage an increase in water consumption, or in more severe cases, removal of the bladder or kidney stones via surgical or nonsurgical means. 

Your veterinarian may ask you to bring a urine sample for analysis. If the physical exam reveals that the count of the red blood cells is too low, a blood transfusion may be employed in the treatment. 

For infections, antibiotics will be prescribed. For tumors, the diagnosis will direct your vet to either treat or refer you to an oncologist for specialized treatment. Dog owners should take their dogs for emergency vet checkups if they are peeing or pooping blood. This is the best way to prevent blood in dog urine and other urinary issues.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does blood in a dog’s urine mean?

Hematuria blood is a condition that causes blood to fall into the dog urine. It may indicate a serious medical emergency.

Females are at a higher risk of urinary tract infections compared to male dogs, which leads to blood in a dog’s urine. Cancer is often the usual cause. Treatment will be dependent on the primary cause of the blood.

How do you treat blood in a dog’s urine?

Treatment options for hematuria or blood in the urine vary, and are designed to address the underlying cause. Stabilization through intravenous fluids may be needed to treat dehydration, a urine sample may be needed for analysis, and antibiotics could be used to treat bacterial infections.

If the red blood cell count is dangerously low, blood transfusion may be required. If a tumor is suspected or detected, the vet may order an x-ray or an ultrasound. In traumatic injury cases, such as neoplasia and bladder stones, surgery may be required.

Is a dog peeing blood an emergency?

Your dog peeing blood could be caused by a kidney or bladder infection, or the infection of the urethra or the prostate.

Physical trauma and cancerous and non-cancerous tumors would also lead to hematuria in dogs. The presence of blood in the urine of your dog should be treated as an emergency.

Why is my dog’s pee red?

A pink or red-tinged to your dog’s pee is mostly caused by UTI. Other reasons why a dog pee blood color may include cystic kidney disease, blood clotting disorders or bleeding diseases, feline lower urinary tract disorder, cancer, or trauma.

Your dog requires an urgent medical examination to determine the cause of the color change in his pee. Red or pink color indicates current bleeding due to an underlying condition.

Can I give my dog cranberry juice for a urinary tract infection?

Cranberry is a natural cleanser for urinary issues and can be used by dogs with UTI. However, it should be given to dogs in small quantities in the form of a supplement or dog food containing cranberry, healthy dog treat, or cranberry juice.

Before administering cranberry supplements to your dog’s diet, consult your vet about an appropriate dosage. This is a dog health popular item to help with a UTI or if you have a dog urinating blood.

Can dogs pee blood from stress?

The most common complaint in the history of blood in dog urine is UTI. Your dog may develop a urinary tract infection due to stress, anatomic defects, immune deficiencies, and other metabolic conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.

Lack of prompt treatment can cause the infection to develop crystals or mucus plugs creating more problems for your pet. If he has a bloody dog urine or you notice a speck of blood in your dog’s pee, have them checked out from a local vet.

How can I tell if my dog has a UTI?

If your dog has UTI, chances are, he will be straining to urinate, gulping water constantly, crying out while urinating, obsessively licking his genitals, urinating frequently, breaking housetraining, and passing bloody or cloudy pee with a pinking stain.

Treat these signs as a medical emergency.  If not treated, the infection could get to the kidneys leading to kidney infection, and cause kidney failure or a raptured bladder.

For more information about hematuria, or if you detect that your dog is peeing blood, contact your vet right away.